
N29 Batang Air - 24 Voting Districts, 25 Small Voting Streams

Batang Air is one of the smallest state assembly seats in Malaysia, with 24 voting districts, and 25 small voting streams, that will support 75 to 673 voters each. The largest voting district contains 2 streams, totaling 716 voters.

Batang Air, popularly known as Batang Ai, is state assembly (DUN) seat N29 under parliamentary seat P203 Lubok Antu, Sarawak. Batang Air is one of the smallest DUN in the country, ranking 543th out of 572 state seats in terms of voter number, based on the GE12 voters roll of 2008. For more details, maps, and voting history, see Understanding P203 N29 - Batang Air State Seat of Lubok Antu, Sarawak.

Table A shows that:

  • Batang Air has 8,006 voters, comprising 7,963 regular and 43 postal voters.
  • It contains 24 DMs (daerah mengundi, voting districts).
  • Batang Air contains 25 saluran (voting streams), because the Lubok Antu DM is large enough to be split into 2 voting streams.
  • All 43 postal voters are police personnel, and located at 203/29/02/702 or IPD Lubok Antu
Table A: P0203 Lubok Antu N29 Batang Air 200902 By-Election
Sarawak, P203 Lubok Antu; NamaDUN = N29 Batang Air
Summary of Data By DUN

Parl/DUNNamaDUNDM countTM countSaluran countVoter count
203/29Batang Air242425 7,963
Non-postal1242425 7,963
Postal voters

Total including postal voteres


P203N29 Batang Air Electoral Roll 200902 - POSTAL Voters

Lokaliti 203/29/02/702 is IPD Lubok Antu
Parl/DUN/DMNamaDUNNamaDMTMSaluran Voters
203/29/02/702Batang AirLubok AntuPos043

Table B shows that:
  • Batang Air has 24 DMs and 25 voting streams,
  • Almost all DMs are small, and need to use only 1 voting stream (usually a classroom or a small hall).
  • The only exception is the 203/29/02 Lubok Antu/Batang Air/Lubok Antu DM, which makes use of 2 voting streams (rooms) at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Lubok Antu.
  • This makes this DM 203/29/02 the largest in Batang Air, with a total of 716 voters.
  • The smallest voting stream will be used by only 75 voters, ie, 203/29/24 Lubok Antu/Batang Air/Nenyang/Sesco Township Hall.
  • The largest single voting stream will await 673 voters, at Sekolah Kebangsaan Nanga Kesit.
  • Several kindergartens and town/multipurpose halls will be used as voting rooms.
Table B: P203N29 Batang Air Electoral Roll 200902 - NON-POSTAL Voter Count by DM, TM, Saluran
Sarawak, P203 Lubok Antu; NamaDUN = N29 Batang Air
Arranged by Parl/DUN/DM. Red text yellow background means shared TM
Parl/DUN/DMNamaDUNNamaDMTMSaluran Voters
203/29/01Batang AirSebangkiSekolah Kebangsaan Sebangki1479
203/29/02Batang AirLubok AntuSekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Lubok Antu1350
203/29/02Batang AirLubok AntuSekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Lubok Antu2366
203/29/03Batang AirSekarokSekolah Kebangsaan Sekarok1356
203/29/04Batang AirKesitSekolah Kebangsaan Nanga Kesit1673
203/29/05Batang AirEngkariSekolah Kebangsaan Ulu Engkari198
203/29/06Batang AirDelokSekolah Kebangsaan Nanga Delok Lubok Antu1196
203/29/07Batang AirKaongTadika Kemas Kaong Ulu1382
203/29/08Batang AirEmpitSekolah Kebangsaan Melaban Empit1432
203/29/09Batang AirKumpangSekolah Kebangsaan Nanga Aup1155
203/29/10Batang AirKlampuRumah Renggie Bukong1385
203/29/11Batang AirSayatSekolah Kebangsaan Nanga Kumpang1329
203/29/12Batang AirKutaiSekolah Kebangsaan Lubok Antu1627
203/29/13Batang AirMepiSekolah Kebangsaan Batang Ai1437
203/29/14Batang AirJelaTadika Kemas Nanga Jela1449
203/29/15Batang AirSempangTadika Kemas Sempang1123
203/29/16Batang AirBertikDewan Serbaguna Salcra Sps Batang Ai1196
203/29/17Batang AirKrangan MongTadika Kemas Krangan Mong1148
203/29/18Batang AirEnsawangDewan Serbaguna Salcra Skim Batu Kaya1551
203/29/19Batang AirKachongSekolah Kebangsaan Nanga Menyebat1240
203/29/20Batang AirPatohPejabat Pertanian Nanga Patoh1133
203/29/21Batang AirBilararapSekolah Kebangsaan Ulu Lemanak Nanga Uyau1198
203/29/22Batang AirSepayaSekolah Kebangsaan Nanga Tibu1293
203/29/23Batang AirGuguRumah Intang Mengiling1292
203/29/24Batang AirNenyangSesco Township Hall175
Total non-postal count



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